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渤海湾水生态环境现状和海岸带开发对其的影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于沿海地区经济迅速发展,越来越多的陆源污水排入渤海湾,渤海湾生态环境系统承受着巨大的压力。本文建立了渤海湾生态环境的多级指标体系,并根据2003年至2005年多次渤海湾监测资料对其现状进行了分析;然后进一步研究了由于围海造地、海水淡化等开发工程引起的近岸海域水动力条件和污染物输移的变化。结果表明,陆源污染物大量排放、沿海开发活动加剧是影响渤海湾水生态环境的主要原因。沿海围垦不仅导致潮通量减少,潮流作用减弱,而且影响近岸海域污染物的输移和分布。海水淡化高浓度盐水的排放也对近岸海域的水生态环境造成很大的影响。  相似文献   
广东水产品出口下滑的原因分析与对策措施   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
分析广东水产品出口出现下滑趋势外部原因为:发达国家对农产品进口实行贸易壁垒,贸易保护主义有所抬头;内部原因为:国内生产经营过度分散,产业结构不合理,缺乏国际市场竞争力。提出发挥政府、企业和行业协会的积极作用,建立多元化的出口市场体系等措施,以进一步扩大广东水产品的出口,实现渔民增收、企业增效的目标。  相似文献   
A critical component of maintaining biodiversity in fragmented habitats is maintaining connectivity among the usable fragments. Least cost path (LCP) analysis is a tool that can be used for predicting the ability of an organism to move from one habitat patch to another, based on geographical features of the landscape and life history traits of the organism. While this analysis has been utilized for terrestrial habitats, it is rarely applied to aquatic environments. Aquatic hypoxic conditions occur when dissolved oxygen falls below 2 mg/L. These conditions can create barriers in the water column that can either force fish to leave a habitat, or avoid that habitat altogether. Using the lower St. Johns River (LSJR) estuary in Florida, USA, as a study system, the ability of an adult silver perch, Bairdiella chrysoura, to escape a large-scale hypoxic event was modeled using a multicriteria LCP approach. Criteria-specific cost grids were constructed based upon current speed, risk of predation, and whether oxygen levels in the habitat area were normoxic (>5.5 mg/L), or hypoxic (<2.0–1.5 mg/L) as a function of water depth for the LSJR. The criteria cost grids were combined using relative weighting to produce the multicriteria cost grid used to implement the LCP analysis. Three origin and destination point locations within the LSJR study area were selected for modeling whether or not a silver perch would be able to escape a hypoxic zone. Since the LCP model will always determine a LCP from the specified origin point location, ecologically relevant swimming capacities for silver perch under normoxic and hypoxic conditions were then applied to assess the model, and to determine whether the fish would be able to reach areas unimpacted by hypoxia. The LCP model and the swimming capacity results for this study predict that under normoxic conditions, fish movement was unimpeded. During the rapidly developing hypoxic event that was modeled, the results from the LCP model indicate that the fish could move outside the hypoxic zone, but when swimming capacities were applied to the model, the silver perch could not escape. Ecologically, the results of this study suggest that silver perch would experience high mortality under a rapidly developing hypoxic event. Additionally, the results of this study indicate that a LCP model can be applied to an aquatic habitat, as long as the cost grids incorporate relevant abiotic and biotic factors.  相似文献   
正Seagull Lake is an unusual saline lake,having a marine spring connected to a large continental ecosystem.With climate change the balance between marine,meteoric and groundwater inputs to,and evaporitic and groundwater  相似文献   
正1 Introduction Copepods are a group of small crustaceans,which play an important ecological role in aquatic ecosystems.They occupy different ecological niches in aquatic food webs,contributes to biogenic element cycles,and transfer of organic matter from primary producers to higher secondary consumers.Copepods also have the potential to  相似文献   
研究了壬基酚聚氧乙烯醚及其降解产物 4 壬基酚对水生生物的毒理效应。结果表明 ,壬基酚聚氧乙烯 (10 )醚和 4 壬基酚对水生生态系统中的各级生物都有一定的急性毒性 ,水生生物对这 2种化合物的敏感性顺序为 :枝角类 >鱼类 >藻类 >微生物 ,且 4 壬基酚的毒性程度较壬基酚聚氧乙烯 (10 )醚更强。Ames试验同时表明 4 壬基酚具有致突变性 ,而壬基酚聚氧乙烯 (10 )醚则不显致突变活性。建议这 2种物质在水环境中的允许浓度为 :ρ(4 壬基酚 )≤ 0 .0 14mg/L ;ρ(壬基酚聚氧乙烯 (10 )醚 )≤ 0 .6 0mg/L。  相似文献   
当前我国水产品出口屡屡受挫.如何提升我国水产品的国际竞争力是我们面临的一个重要课题。通过分析认为。制约我国水产品国际竞争力的外部因素:发达国家技术壁垒的强化;反倾销、反补贴和特殊保障措施使我国在保护水产品生产和贸易上处于严重的不利地位;生态标签成为新的非关税壁垒,威胁着国际贸易的发展。内部因素:政府管理体制方面的制约;水产品生产加工方面的制约;行业组织化程度低,恶性竞争没有得到有效遏制;生产服务和信息服务能力弱;水产品市场体系的制约因索。在此基础上,提出了增加政府补贴、加强养殖监管、健全合作组织、实施品牌战略等一系列提升我国水产品国际竞争力的策略。  相似文献   
After the survey of pollution sources, a study on surface water quality assessment and forecast is given by means of grey system method, fuzzy mathematical method and multiple-index method. Based on it, aquatic environment quality features, treatment measures and environmental strategies of the area are proposed. The quality of aquatic environment of 5 rivers in the Tumen River area is studied. The results show that the pollution of surface water is serious; water quality of most rivers is between grade IV and V except the Hunchun River, being higher than grade IV standard; pollution levels of most rivers have been basically controlled except the of Burhatong River, which is deteriorating gradually. Pollutants of the rivers are comparatively regular, mainly are SS, COD, BOD, AR-OH, NH3-N. The main pollution trades are chemical fibre industry, pulp and paper making industry and mining industry. If the growth rate of gross industrial product is higher than 25 percent under the encouraging-model of regional exploitation, the pollutants’ load will overtake the bearing capacity of aquatic environment. Thus some protection program against pollution must be worked out in order to achieve the harmonious development of economy society and environment. A project from “Studies on Earlier Stage of Regional Development” of the Chinese Academy of Sciences  相似文献   
鱼耳石中锶和钡富集的影响因素及其环境响应   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
鱼耳石中元素锶和钡主要来源于鱼类生存的水体,这两种元素通过腮或肠进入内耳淋巴液,继而以类质同象的方式沉淀在耳石晶格内部空位和晶格间隙中。耳石结晶沉淀的整个过程不仅受生物的调控作用,而且还受到外界环境,如水体元素浓度、盐度、温度等因素的影响,因此耳石中某种元素的浓度与其在水体中的浓度之比(元素富集系数)与鱼类所生存的环境之间具有一定的响应关系。在以上各种因素中,水体元素浓度对耳石元素富集系数的影响最为显著。一般来说,耳石中某种元素的含量与水体中相应的元素浓度呈正相关关系,而水体中元素之间就耳石中的富集过程也存在一定的相互促进或抑制作用,如Sr对Ba为协同作用,Ca对Sr、Zn为拮抗作用。另外,水体盐度或温度与元素富集系数之间不存在简单的线性相关关系,而是因鱼种、水体综合环境及元素种类不同而有所差异。研究结果表明:鱼种一定的情况下,耳石中元素富集系数与水体盐度和温度存在良好相关关系。基于以上相关性分析,可以认为耳石中元素富集系数与环境因子(水体元素浓度、盐度、温度)之间存在响应关系。因此,可以选用那些受环境影响大但对自身调控影响小的元素(如:Sr、Zn、Pb、Mn、Ba、Fe、Li、Ni、Cd)来建立耳石与水体环境之间元素富集系数的定量化模型,并利用这种响应关系及定量化模型进行生态环境监测和渔业管理。  相似文献   
水权交易对生态环境影响研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在经济社会发展受到区域水资源总量限制的情况下,水权交易作为解决当今世界严峻水资源危机的重要手段之一,已在国内外进行了广泛的实践。水权交易改变了水资源的时空配置,对水生态和水环境产生有利或不利的影响,然而关于水权交易对生态环境影响的研究尚未有系统的梳理。总结了水权交易对水资源系统影响研究的主要发展历程,着重论述了水权交易对水资源系统影响的4个重点研究方面:可交易生态环境水权的研究、水权交易对水量、水生态、水环境影响的研究。未来应当加强水权交易对生态环境影响的定量研究,进一步提升水权交易对水质、地下水、退水、陆生生态环境影响的研究,明确不同交易类型的不同影响,还应考虑不确定性因素的影响。  相似文献   
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